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2017 Scientific/Medical Guidelines

Viewing past award guidelines

You are viewing guidelines for the 2017 awards. See award guidelines for the current year.


All NIH employees or groups of employees performing research, administering clinical/scientific disciplines, or working in scientific professions, such as Medical Officers, Health Science Administrators, Biologists, Chemists, Veterinarians, Dentists, and Nurses.


  • Unusual display of leadership promoting the advancement of the understanding or application of scientific phenomena, processes or problems.
  • Extraordinary achievement in the application of scientific principles and methods to improve the efficiency or extend the benefits of the NIH.
  • Discovery or invention of a new scientific principle, process or device resulting in substantial benefits.
  • Sustained and exceptional performance beyond regular duty requirements in carrying out a difficult task.
  • Outstanding contribution, beyond regular attendance, to a special committee or task force dealing with NIH-wide scientific policies, procedures or operations.
  • Superior skill and leadership in science.