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You are viewing 2023 award results. See awards for the current year.
Scientific/Medical - Research
Group Awards
CMS-NIH Leadership Subgroup to Develop Resource for Pain Assessment
For the successful planning, development and launching of a public-facing resource of pain assessment resources for professionals.
- Ellen Blackwell, NCCIH
- Sekai Chideya-Chihota, NCCIH
- Scott Lawrence, NCCIH
- Janelle Letzen, NINDS
- Shari Ling, NCCIH
- Lauren Lowenstein, NCCIH
- Barry Marx, NCCIH
- Lanay Mudd, NCCIH
- Leah Pogorzala, NINDS
- Linda L. Porter, NINDS
- Sara Rue, NCCIH
- Erin Spaniol, OD
- Jean Stiller, NCCIH
- Laura Wandner, NINDS
- Wendy Jo. Weber, NCCIH
Recognition Across NIH
The following individuals are recognized as part of a group hosted by another IC.
- Jane Colilla, NCCIH
- Elizabeth M. Ginexi, NCCIH
- Rebecca Coca, NCCIH
- Mary Kester, NCCIH
- Denesha Simmons, NCCIH