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2023 NIH Work/Life and Well-Being Champion Guidelines

General guidelines

  • All nominations must be entered by the nominator through the electronic Honorary Awards and Ranking System, e-HARTS. Hardcopies are not required; however, it is recommended that you keep a hardcopy for your records. Detailed database instructions are available upon request.
  • Nominations may be initiated by an employee, peer, or leader who has witnessed the nominee demonstrating qualities worthy of the award.
  • The Award Citation is limited to 25 words and 255 characters.
  • The Narrative Justification is limited to 6,000 characters.
  • The narrative of accomplishments must focus on the nominee’s distinct contributions, including how they exceeded normal expectations and the specific impact of their contributions. Routine responsibilities should be mentioned only as they establish a context for the accomplishment cited.
  • All nominations must be approved by the nominee’s supervisor and the IC Director.


The NIH Work/Life and Well-Being Champion Award is intended to recognize one supervisor’s exceptional performance or special efforts in supporting their employees’ work/life and well- being while maintaining or improving productivity in support of the agency’s mission.


All NIH employees who are supervisors with at least one year of service at the NIH as of the date of nomination. Groups cannot be nominated for this award.


  • Must have demonstrated, over a period of time, consistent commitment to their employees’ work/life and well-being in one or more of the following areas:
  • Physical and mental wellness
  • Work schedule flexibilities
  • Social well-being
  • Financial fitness
  • Community involvement
  • Consideration will be given to the number of examples provided, the number of areas of work/life and well-being the employee has worked in, the uniqueness of their actions, any challenges they have had to overcome, and the impact of their actions.